Trach Checklist – Southeastern Medical Equipment
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Breathe Easy

Trach Care and Supplies Checklist:

Brand________________ Size_____________ amt.________________
Please choose:
o Disposable inner cannula amt.___________________
o Non-disposable inner cannula amt.________________
o Cuffed amt._____________________
o Cuffless amt.__________________
o Fenestrated amt._________________
o Non-Fenestrated amt.o Guide (obturator) & parts that go with the trach currently in place

o Suction machine, canisters and tubing: amt._______________
o Suction catheters: Size_______
amt. _______________
o Trach care kits (including brush & pipe cleaners) amt.

o Velcro trach tube holders
o Normal saline or sterile water-time and date bottle when open
o Hydrogen peroxide- time and date bottle when open
o Syringe for cuff care
o Cotton tip applicators
o Gloves
o 4 X 4 gauze dressings (pre cut)
o Saline bullets if ordered (moisten secretions prior to suctioning)
o Disposable inner cannulas (if trach has a disposable inner cannula)
o Ambu bag- should be at patient bedside
o Humidifier-per MD order- due to bypassing nose & mouth may need to replace moisture. Without moisture, mucus may become thick and difficult to cough out.
o Oxygen-per MD order- used to bleed into humidity with trach collar and
corrugated tubing

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